Title: Vice President of Government Relations
Compensation: Competitive, based on experience
The Vice President of Government Relations has a unique role within Capitalize International as we work to expand our core capabilities in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Central Asia, and Afghanistan. The Vice President of Government Relations will work with the CEO as Capitalize International expands into new markets pertaining international logistical and supply chain support.
This position may require frequent travel to Europe, the Middle East, Central Asia, and Afghanistan.
Responsibilities will include:
Working with the CEO to develop a short-term and long-term plan for expanding Capitalize International’s capabilities to compete for government contracts and subcontracts;
Acting as the liaison between Capitalize International, government agencies, and other contracting firms.
Developing strong relationships between Capitalize International, government agencies, and other contracting firms;
Identifying new opportunities and contract awards for Capitalize International to pursue.
Advanced degree in relevant field of study required;
Minimum 15 years of experience working with defense contracting or the Defense Logistics Agency required, high-level military service strongly preferred;
Intricate knowledge of the defense contract awarding process;
Strong written and oral communication skills required;
Familiarity with Microsoft Office suite;
Highly organized with ability to manage multiple tasks concurrently;
Prior experience working in Middle East, Central Asia, and South Asia preferred.
Advanced knowledge of the issues facing the Middle East and the Central Asian states.
Capitalize International offers extremely competitive benefits packages.
Led by Ambassador Said Jawad, Capitalize International is a Washington DC, Dubai and Kabul based global strategic consulting firm that specializes in business diplomacy, operations management, and advisory in post-conflict emerging markets with a prime focus on Afghanistan and the Central Asian region.
Please submit the cover letter and CV to info@capitalizellc.com
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