The Internship reunites the dynamic duo Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson as two middle men who lost their day jobs as salesmen and participate in a hunger games like competition to win dream jobs at Google. This movie attempts to bring the humor of Wedding Crashers with a techno/geeky spin. Throw in a Owen Wilson’s convoluted love interest, and you have the gist of the movie.
The Internship could easily be considered as a 2 hour infomercial for Google. Throughout the movie we are submerged into a sales pitch of Google’s products and services. They also praise Google’s environment with an aspirational paradise with free food, “nap pods” and games. I would expect Google to have quit a increase in internship applications.
Going back to the movie, Vince Vaughn’s character Billy McMahon signs up with his sidekick, Nick Campbell (Wilson), into Phoenix University so they can be considered for the Google Internship Program. Although most of the program’s interns are college kids, it’s hard not to imagine this was a subplot of Old School. There is even a cameo of Will Ferrel. Both Billy and Nick get paired up with the social outcasts and begin on projects unfamiliar to them. In an island of misfits way, they come together as a team. All intern teams are put through a series of competitions: Find the Bug, Write an App, and even play a game of Quidditch (Who knew?).
Like most people, you probably have a little geek side to you. There were many references in the movie that may go over the movie goers head, but they do a good job of being actual to the technology. Some references of Star Wars, Linux, Web Design (CSS/HTML5) were thrown in the mix and stayed true to form. It’s hard to imagine Vince Vaughn had to learn about this before he co-wrote this script. And surprisingly enough, Google did allow filming at their Mountin View campus.
The Internship is a kind of movie that is enjoyable and humorous. Don’t go into this movie expecting a sequel to Wedding Crashers/Old School. Expect a movie that recycles the same plot, but enjoyable. With the return of Vince Vaughn’s one liners, I left the movie certainly entertained.
The Internship Trailer
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