Thursday, October 11, 2012

Job Hunting and Happy Hour Shenanigans

This week we talk about Job Hunting, Happy Hour Shenanigans and more. Want your question answered? Man up! Contact me here.

I hitched my wagon to a falling star. I love the candidate but we aren’t going to win this race next month. Is it too early to start looking for my next job? Can I approach candidates who will likely win and ask what sort of positions will open up after the election?

- Candid Campaigner

Dear Candid Campaigner,

You seem to be a rational person. Remind me why you want to work in politics again? Kidding aside, just do your job through e-day. Unless your candidate is deluding him/herself, they know their odds too.

They will, if they’re good people, want to help you. By that, I mean tell one of their friends that you were a loyal and hard worker through to the end. Odds are, their friend might be somebody who wins. (Unless of course your falling star is hated by everyone in the party, in which case you should GTFO.)

I wouldn’t outright ask people, but stick to your job and network. Once the battle’s over, people will need good people.

Be good people.

Job Hunting and Happy Hour Shenanigans

What’s the craziest happy hour shenanigans you’ve ever witnessed? advice for navigating work happy hours?

“Hey Farva, what’s the name of that restaurant you like with all the goofy shit on the wall and the mozzarella sticks?”

Curious, I have a lot of stories, but if I start identifying the awesome ones, that will make me easy to find. So, I have to sit on those until the statute of limitations expires.

The best story I will tell you is that it involved somebody peeing on the metro train doors. From inside the train. While it was moving.

Advice for navigating work happy hours? Don’t bang a co-worker, the member, or an intern. Save your banging for people outside the hill when you do it to the theme of The West Wing. (Come on you weirdos, I know some of you fanboys are that into the West Wing roleplay … “You’ve been a naughty Donna, haven’t you?” “Josh, do you have a secret plan to fight unplanned pregnancy?”)

Seriously though, just don’t make an ass out of yourself when drinking with your co-workers.

What should I do between now and the election? I have nothing to do.

Caught up on mail, are we? No outstanding projects or bills to work on? Consider campaigning. Odds are you’ve gotten the email — to your personal email — about going out on the trail. “We’ll fly you / drive you in a bus, give you food, housing, and a free t-shirt!”

Don’t do it for the t-shirt, do it for the fun. Think of it like joining the political army for a week or two, you get to go to exotic places, meet strange people and kil.. get them to vote for your team.

Fun, huh?

Well kiddos, get your popcorn out, print out your ClotureClub bingo drinking games for tonight’s debate between Crazy Uncle Joe and Former Tortilla Coast employee Paul.

Watch out for that first step, it’s a doooooozie.

Got a question?

Don’t be afraid, Ask our Anonymous Hill staffer!

The post Job Hunting and Happy Hour Shenanigans appeared first on Cloture Club.

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