Monday, April 29, 2013

BuzzFeed BBQ Wrap Up

This was the hottest party Saturday night. Many party goers packed into Dupont circle’s Jack Rose Saloon for the BuzzFeed BBQ After Party. Here is a collaboration of tweets and photos to help describe the evening.

BuzzFeed BBQ

Packed house at BuzzFeed BBQ

Located at the back of the bar (if you could get there) was a large sign for the event. The DJ (beneath) was spinning tracks that got everyone dancing.


The party was just as much the place to be as the WHCD, evidenced by C-SPAN broadcasting on-site. Heard on the Hill’s Neda Semnani captured the side-by-side coverage of both events.

Everyone was tweeting #BuzzFeedBBQ, it became a trend on twitter.

BuzzFeed stickers, or pieces of flair, were encouraged.

Free pedicabs were available!

…And the House of Cards cast crashed the party!

BuzzFeed BBQ White House Correspondence Dinner Party

HOUSE OF CARDS castmembers, left to right, Constance Zimmer, Kate Mara, Michael Kelly, Robin Wright and Executive Producer Beau Willimon — Photo credit: Catherine Bartosevich


Even one of our editor’s, Chris Baggett and friend, were excited to meet Congressman Russo (actor Corey Stoll).

Chris Baggett Peter Russo

Big thank you to our friends at BuzzFeed for the invitation. We certainly look forward to the next year’s party!

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