Iron Man 3, the third installment in the popular superhero series, is a fitting conclusion for Downey et al. Indeed, the storyline is as dramatic as any before. The country is in danger of being taken over by a deranged bioterrorist who tricks military veteran amputees, lured by the possibility of limb regrowth, into becoming human bombs, some blowing up national landmarks in big cities, and others forming a superclass of near-indestructible soldiers. In steps Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) who, tired of terrorist attacks and weak government response, challenges the terrorist, code name “Mandarin.”
The movie is delightfully comical, moving you through catchy Downey line to catchy Downey line; in fact, the action scenes seem almost peripheral, as if the writers knew all too well that a Downey humorous side was way better than his action hero side. The jokes are much funnier and much quicker, built into the movie more than the other two. So much, in fact, that Downey actually does very little acting, so when he does (for example, creeping around a shipyard) it appears awkward.
Is this the best Iron Man yet? Perhaps. It is a very different one, certainly. The last scene punctuates the entire series beautifully, where Iron Man, near defeated, calls upon legions of other automated Iron Men hidden beneath the depth of his home to fight, and eventually defeat, the Mandarin. A triumphant ending to an astoundingly successful series, perhaps the most accessible and enjoyable of the superhero series.
The Avengers II comes out later this year, so rest assured Iron Man will return. Fans should be perfectly satisfied with this final chapter.
Iron Man 3 Trailer
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