Monday, May 6, 2013

Lets Face It, Traveling sucks

So I recently had to do a bit of traveling and let me tell you, nothing makes you want to throat punch somebody more than strolling along in our Nation’s airports. Mind you it’s not the airport that’s the problem but the travelers that makes you want to find the nearest Greyhound station.

Starting with check in. The particular airline that I was flying had a weight limit of 50 pounds. If your bag weighs more than 50 pounds you have problems. You need a moving truck not a seat in the exit row. Grab another bag and throw your overweight junk in it and move on.

TSA line. Do we even need to talk about this? We all remember the days when we could breeze through the metal detectors but things are different now and we all know that. Going through this type of security isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Just deal with it and move on. The more you gripe with these guys and gals the more the line behind you is getting longer. Take off your shoes and pray you have clean socks on.

Photo credit:

As soon as folks make it through security and arrive at their gate they seem to think that they are in their own living room. Guess what. You’re not. In fact you are still in public. Act like it. Don’t sprawl your belongings out all over the floor. The only and I mean the only exception to this is if you are traveling with children (I will never judge those traveling with kids as I do not have any and can only imagine the migraine that comes with that).

The gate is where most of the action takes place if you like to people watch. You will either lose all faith in humanity here or have a renewed faith in America. For starters nobody cares about your business conversations about what’s happening at the Spokane office, or how Davis just isn’t cutting it with the new brand launch. Shut up. Watch the planes take off and take a break from work for a minute or two. Also, to the guy talking to his buddies about his spring break exploits, nobody cares how drunk you got at Cabo. It isn’t amazing that you can consume that many purported jello shots. What’s amazing is the fact that you are about to go flying through the air at 500mph. That’s amazing!

Also, please people, I’m begging if you are ever on a flight with me and you have to sit next to me do NOT I repeat do NOT even think about sitting next to me in your pajamas (it’s happened). There was a time when folks would get dressed up to fly now folks are wearing shorts announcing that they have an apple bottom. Did you check your dignity with your overweight luggage?

Photo credit:

The only person on the flight who annoys me more than the pajama party wannabe is the person who just can’t seem to turn off their electronics. Dude, listen to the flight attendant and turn it off. Airplane mode doesn’t count. You’re not special and you have to follow the rules along with everybody else. I wish that the flight attendant could boot you off the plane as soon as you start to explain why your move on words with friends is vital or if you’re the person who raises a finger and tells the flight attendant, “one minute” you should go straight to the top of the “no fly” list. Turn it off. Enjoy the ride, for the next few hours nobody can call or text you consider it a blessing.

Don’t get me wrong I love people watching and airports are the perfect place for this. It’s a petri dish of the finest and the worst of people. Just try to use some common sense when traveling and we can all get through it together.

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